Ian Taylor


Ian has served the asbestos industry for over 30 years and so brings a wealth of technical and practical experience to Ayerst, in particular in the practical delivery of complex project solutions to a wide-ranging client base

His knowledge and expertise in all elements of asbestos consultancy, compliance, training, inspection and testing underpin and support the core service delivery within Ayerst at every level

Client and commercially focussed with attention to project specific requirements to deliver compliance within challenging timeframes on varying construction, refurbishment and demolition projects and for the preparation of statutory compliance documentation including the development and implementation of asbestos management systems

Development of bespoke training packages brings a further offering to our clients to assist in the understanding of a complex and high profile industry

To compliment and extend service provision, Ian provides a practical experience of occupational hygiene solutions for many common hazards in the workplace including lead in paint, metals, particulates and pollution and includes asbestos contamination in soils as part of remediation or management.

Ian Taylor